about us

Imagine a community empowered to vitalize not only their neighborhoods but their lives as well. That community would create hands across their own neighborhood blocks to lend a hand up not a hand out. One Block at a Time was the vision of three sisters who love this North Texas Community and we reimagined the way we make our communities greater, happier, cleaner and more vital in an effort to empower one another One Block at a Time. We serve households with grants for small home repairs, a tool library and truck for home improvement, lawn and garden care, food preservation and education seminars to empower the community. Our mission is to "Educate, stimulate and promote the vitalization of our community." Our programs will help educate the community by demonstrating sustainable urban and rural living methods with backyard sustainability workshop series, resources library and website and youth-focused programs to expand the impact on future decision makers.

Our Mission

Make our Community Great Again One Block at a Time.

Our Values

We strive to bring the sanctuary of home to famliies and sustainability to our community.

"Self-sufficiency is beyond anything someone will ever hand you".

Debbie Dobbins